When choosing online aviation training courses, it’s crucial to evaluate the course’s compatibility with your learning management system (LMS). The LMS is one of three critical components to CBT pilot training, along with the content in the course and the content player in which the course is run.
In a perfect world, all online aviation course content and players would be compatible with all third-party in-house LMS systems. This would provide the flexibility airlines and ATOs need to choose the specific courses that meet their needs, regardless of the provider who has developed these courses. Unfortunately, not all online aviation training course providers offer this level of flexibility.
Many online aviation course providers require you to use their LMS in order to access their course material. If you’ve already adopted a different third-party LMS and have customized it to address the unique needs of your organization, this requirement will either force you to avoid adopting certain courses which may provide the value you’re looking for, or create a massive headache associated with running your courses on multiple LMS platforms. Not only is the latter situation inconvenient from a course management perspective, but it will also force your team to invest additional hours customizing each LMS platform you’re using to run different online aviation courses.
All Avsoft online aviation courses can be run on any third-party SCORM compliant LMS. Making our courses compatible with your existing LMS provides several important benefits:
This compatibility with your existing LMS provides a huge level of convenience. If you’ve been using a particular LMS for years with your existing courses, you can easily add any Avsoft courses that meet your training needs into your course content mix, and you’ll have the ability to manage them on your existing LMS that you already know and understand. This not only saves you the time required to learn a new system, but it will also save you money associated with purchasing a new LMS that would only be used to manage a few course offerings.
If your organization doesn’t have an existing LMS system, you can also easily run all of your Avsoft courses on our proprietary AvLMS platform. Our LMS has been designed with Airlines and ATOs in mind, providing learning, reporting and administrative features that can be customized to address the specific needs of your organization.
Avsoft offers a broad range of online aviation and pilot training courses for airlines and ATOs. Your team will have access to some of the highest quality eLearning content for general and subject matter training. Our courses are highly customizable, and our flexible deployment solutions that are compatible with any LMS will help streamline and simplify your online aviation training program.
Our comprehensive online aviation training course content addresses all regulatory and operator requirements. At Avsoft, we have made it a priority to deliver high quality content that provides the flexible access, exceptional user experience and the ability to test, track and communicate results.
To learn more about Avsoft’s online aviation training solutions, please request a demo. We offer a free 30 day evaluation period for our initial eLearning courses designed for type rating on our AvLMS and will conduct testing of our courses running on your third party LMS upon request.
Avsoft proudly provides pilot training solutions to airlines and ATOs around the world. We would love to help your organization as well. We offer a wide range of effective and proven pilot training products, all available here 24/7/365.